Bridging The Gap Between Job Seekers and Employers

When you pay to post, you can immediately access candidates whose resumes on Indeed match your job description and jumpstart your hiring by inviting candidates to apply.

Who We Are?

VocalPanda is an industry-standard online platform that simplifies job searching and candidate recruitment. Our cutting-edge proprietary AI algorithms enable job seekers to easily connect with companies of any size.
VocalPanda is developed by professionals working in the recruitment industry for many years. Using our experience and next-generation AI-based techniques, we have simplified and automated laborious processes for both employers and job seekers.
Posting job openings on a platform like VocalPanda can increase visibility and attract a wider pool of qualified candidates. Our unique blend of heuristics and AI technology can undoubtedly assist you in finding the perfect candidate.

Our Mission

Our mission is to bridge the gap between employers and job seekers, facilitating seamless communication and fostering mutually beneficial connections. Our ultimate goal is to be a trusted partner for both job seekers and employers, revolutionizing the way people find and secure their dream jobs.


Our Vision

To revolutionize job searching and candidate recruitment through cutting-edge AI technology and personalized vetting.


Core Value

Excellent Innovation, reliable customer service, and seamless collaboration to strengthen your hiring requirements.